
As someone with experience working alongside staff members (testers, moderators, HR, etc.) I’d say my experience with each individual member of the teams have been pleasant. My main qualm is with HR.Tester involvement in development or other areas are dwindling. Testers have little say in things, and are berated by Erythia, threatened with demotion often, and more. A lot of things are blamed on testers, whether it be from stat changes big or small, or a bug not being investigated and fixed. It’s rare that testers are told things directly.Erythia insulting testers:

The community is lead to believe that moderators have a lot of power. While moderators can warn someone about being rude in the server, not much can be done in-game because of HR’s refusal to give them the necessary tools to do their job adequately. COS Moderation in general is very strange and sketchy. People can be banned for the littlest things, whether it really breaks any rules or not. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bias.Moderators being denied in-game permissions:

Despite communications being ran on discord, HR members have a habit of treating it as though it were a company where the owner can’t be reached immediately. This is what leads to poor communications! Being able to speak to an HR member is really only a ping away, yet they take the entire thing so seriously.The disrespect towards volunteers is baffling. “HR” is willing to go to the extremes to ban a volunteer, it’s getting to the point where unnecessary invasion of privacy is becoming far too common. No other company snoops as much as COS HR does.A specific HR member has a habit of trying to extend their power beyond COS, even trying to ban players from other Twin Atlas games.HR unfairly bans people for breaking server rules. They claim that they don’t have the power to moderate in-game chats, yet it is acceptable to ban someone from the game.. for something that happened over Discord?The interactions between HR members heavily violates their own TOS. They say inappropriate things to each other in staff chats.


This will be shorter but at least will be coming from someone who believes they have a pretty decent connection to the community.During my time in moderation, I've only noticed how more biases and cliques formed within the team, causing more arguments as well as improper handling of staff-on-staff drama/pettiness as well as never improving lack of communication and care.Communication! A good starting point that has been mentioned here several times already, which is disappointing. As someone who heavily relies on communication and talking things out with coworkers and higher-ups, this team had never improved with it. If anything, communication got worse as more situations came up as well as being overworked with a new resource we had been given to moderate with little to no explanations or guidelines to follow.On another note, we had been promised special opportunities like more staff syncs as well as a weekend-long workshop where we could all talk and figure out the issues that we have been having and how we as a team can improve, never once did this things happen, at most we got our usual sync but it wasn't very often. That weekend-long event was spoken of once and even when I left a few months later, there was no word or updates on it. I don't want to sound nitpicky at all, but it gets to the point where the amount of promises of fixes that just never ended up coming- became incredibly draining. Every sync that I was able to take part in would have a promised fixing or bettering of communication, and yet within a year of me being there, it either never happened or things would get better for a few weeks before falling downhill again.Community handling, which I believe to be one of the worst aspects of this team. In the time that I had seen the ways that we were meant to handle community members did nothing but drain me as it went against my personal views on how these certain situations should be handled. Never did I believe that warning someone over saying that they don’t like a creature design was okay, even if what the user had said was rude, handing out an immediate warning is not the way to go about it.This can honestly be applied to several of the discords rules. Trying to come to an understanding with the user is (from my experience) a much better and calmer way to go about dying down high-stress complaints and riots. Simply acting human rather than a bot can make a huge impact on users and more times than not they seem to calm down. This unfortunately isn’t always doable depending on how the users could be lashing out but completely “silencing” or moderating people who just want to rant about something they didn't or don’t like is unnecessary.This also ties into my thoughts on how art rules are slightly sexist and/or fatphobic. There have been several cases where users were nearly banned or straight-up hard-warned for simply posting a drawing of a character showing cleavage or a larger body type that could be seen as sexual. As a woman myself, these rules are incredibly hurtful, unless something posted is completely nude/NSFW or clearly intended to be suggestive, we should not be punishing people for posting three larger-bodied characters sitting around in a hot tub for Christ's sake. This would be such an easy fix as we could follow the same rules as ArtFight when it comes to female and male anatomy.Inappropriate/Rude comment from a Lead Mod, There is one instance that will be short and simple as it genuinely sums up everything that I see wrong with this team. During the announcement of trial mod applications, our ways of handling them were completely changed by our admins and leads without asking us for any input whatsoever, which is vital to our team. Because of these changes that borderline removed everything important with choosing trials, the rest of the staff rightfully got upset and started discussing better alternatives or simply how this change was incredibly damaging. Rather than hearing us out, we were scolded for what we were doing and borderline told to simply “suck it up”. If I am able to recover screenshots of this, they will be immediately added, if not, I can remove this segment. But due to moderators having access to message logs and therefore being able to see edits made in messages, we got to see this comment made by a lead regarding our rightful reaction to our trial rights basically being stripped away from us.


Disclaimer: I am writing this with zero ill intentions. This is to share my story, shed light onto a situation, and bring exposure to poor actions made by other staff members/HR. I, and many others within this document, experienced mistreatment and unfairness/unprofessionalism. Sonar Studios silences their community and their volunteers. Therefore, we feel as if we have a right to share our stories and will not feel silenced any longer.I moderated for CoS for roughly six months though my time was cut short after getting demoted due to “harassment & derogatory behavior towards several team members.” After further questioning, it was found that during my time I was supposed to receive warnings regarding past behavior. I was never DMed, warned, or given any kind of heads up that I was on thin ice. My “accumulated warnings,” never existed. During conversation with my superior, it was implied that I should not have been demoted due to failure of logging said warnings and that this should’ve been handled differently. Even though it was implied that this was a mistake, I’m still prohibited to apply for any Twin Atlas volunteer positions, though my demoted friends and peers were never told the same. In fact, they were directly told that they could apply/reapply. My demotion came from when I spoke freely in a group chat with friends and later had my trust betrayed by a lead moderator, who was a close friend prior to their promotion. The term “harassment,” was thrown around and untrue, and later said by a Community Manager that it's their “general term for negative behavior.” ( I strongly advise, as a former member of the staff team, be cautious of who you trust, do not befriend your superiors, and be aware that users can be banned/demoted just by association, as proven within this document. If you support and dedicate time to this game/community, be very careful of behavior outside of their Discord server.

On the topic of demotion, any time a demotion occurs an announcement is posted immediately and completely invades the privacy and character of those affected. The announcement that followed up my demotion not only destroyed my character, but had false claims of “blatant harassment,” within it. I do not appreciate my privacy being shared to the entire team who now view me differently and have zero context to the situation. I also do not appreciate being accused of a criminal offense. It’s never a secret when a moderator is demoted as higher-ups make a massive, invasive, and dramatic announcement seconds afterward. This is not an exaggeration. Unfortunately, I feel like I cannot speak in the server the way I used to before as I have lost many friends/my reputation.

Additionally, Erythia would often ban random users for speaking their name, pinging them, or insulting them. Instead of following the moderation protocol the staff had to follow, Erythia completely disregarded that and argued their point. They would claim that these users shouldn't have bothered them. Erythia also told the staff team that they couldn't receive additional in-game commands as they were “unable to properly handle tradelocking.” Advice to community members: Please be cautious of using “Erythia/Ery,” within a message as any messages including their name are shown in messages logs via AutoMod and will be seen.

Ultimately, I would never recommend applying for a position on this team. It's stressful, overwhelming, and causes emotional damage. I was constantly in fear of losing my role after watching friends be demoted/banned for crimes they did not commit. I began thinking of scenarios and how to respond if I was interrogated or put into a private VC. It's unfortunate that others and myself have been put into a position where they felt afraid of their superiors due to past situations being handled poorly. We ask of you, Sonar, please take this document and the evidence provided to grow, improve, and learn from your mistakes. The moderation within this server is biased, dishonest, and unfair/unprofessional. It took a very long time for me to realize this, and even after trying to resolve these issues and bring them to light with Administrators, nothing changed. I'm not upset I was removed from the team, though I feel hurt and betrayed by someone I trusted and called a friend. At the end of the day, I’m relieved that I’m no longer associated with Creatures of Sonaria and I feel like I’ve been given my freedom back. If you’re considering volunteering for this game, do not do it.

as of 6/25/2024 i was banned from the cos discord server for leaking. every testimony was made anonymously, i never admitted to leaking, and i never admitted to writing a testimony. these people speculated that someone wrote this, but they cannot 100% confirm that unless i directly say so. this is written from a specific person's perspective, but that does not confirm if that same person wrote or leaked anything within this document. the imgur link including erythia was not linked to this testimony by the person who wrote it, though you couldn't have known that because you jumped the gun without having every detail necessary. additionally, admins should be more concerned over their current moderators sending private screenshots of announcements to demoted moderators. we agree not to leak as a moderator. if i didn't sign a legal agreement, then i have the right to speak out about whatever i please.this carrd may have "betrayed the trust of the moderation team," but that same moderation team has betrayed the trust of their volunteers as well as their community members time and time again. this carrd was released roughly a month ago and no change has been shown.



When I first joined the staff team at Sonar Studios, the other members were welcoming, friendly, and helpful. There was a strong sense of community, and I didn't feel afraid to ask for assistance. I would say after my first 6 months is when this feeling dwindled.When you train moderators TO MODERATE, you'd expect that they'd know how to properly handle certain situations. There were many times when moderators did not know how to do something like a cross-trading report, or how to handle someone saying slurs in the general chat. ModMail would pile up and be full, and I saw there was usually only a group of 3 or 4 working on it at a time. Keep in mind the entire mod team was about 20 or so people. Many would say they're on hiatus, yet they would still be on the game for hours, or chatting in a channel. This demonstration of uncooperativeness and lack of teamwork became the norm. There would be a feeling of coldness in meetings. If you made a mistake, you were subject to snappy remarks from others, blanketed in passive-aggressiveness.The higher-ups. They emphasize how much they care about their team's mental health, and are given far too much to handle themselves. Admins are loaded with tasks of high priority and rarely have any free time. Prying them away from their work to ask for help would prove to be extremely difficult. Putting all of this work on ONE PERSON is inefficient and stressful. I always felt bad for the admins. All of the ones I worked under were kind, caring, and would bend over backwards for you, yet they would always have their hands tied by those above them and would be limited in what they could do. Admins had to FIGHT for the moderation team to have time off on holidays, and they had to fight for moderators to HAVE COMMANDS TO MODERATE IN THE GAME. This workload is TOO MUCH for one person and I strongly feel that the admins are overworked (and unpaid, too).To those who have always thought that the moderators are a clique, you're not far from the truth. Many times, I would see moderators talking badly about popular server members in the hidden staff channels. I saw people say "I hate this person", "This person is so annoying", "I wish we could ban this person", disregarding the fact they are breaking the rules themselves. How is this behavior appropriate for a MODERATOR?This behavior would extend to other moderators as well. For months I noticed one moderator in particular would constantly be at the neck of another, and this situation grew so bad that I actually witnessed the other moderator retire due to the aggressive attitude always aimed at them. As far as I know, the moderator causing this problem did not receive any immediate repercussions for their behavior, and was allowed to remain on the team and operate with them.Overall, I feel lukewarm about my time as a staff member for Sonar Studios. I generally felt stressed, no matter how much I worked, the cycle would continue: things would pile up, people would ask for help, it would go unanswered, they'd have to work by themselves, repeat. On top of part-time schooling, a job, and my hobbies in real life, taking this position did not help my people skills and actually worsened them. I've made new friends and have been attending therapy and my mental health has been improving, and I hope that the people currently in mod positions realize that they're being treated like trash for no pay at all and break out of the cycle (Etheralotus does not count as payment and is just a carrot on a stick to keep you in your place).


hello! ive come here to detail some of my thoughts on cos as a whole, as well as thoughts on the demotions that have taken place recently.
prefacing this by saying that if im eventually snuffed out and punished/someone in a position of power is reading this, then so be it. it is not my fault that you have created such an uncomfortable environment that volunteers have to go out of their way to risk their role trying to have their voices heard. if youd like for something to truly change, fix the issue at the source. your flawed systems.
working as a tester as a whole has been a lot of up and downs. unfortunately, while at the start of my volunteering there were many ups, the downs have quickly started to cloud my judgement on the role i still have today.
i have held my role dear for quite some time now, and can say that recent and some not-so-recent developments in the team and for the role have been slowly making it feel stale and deteriorate over time.
excitement to test and engage with my friends as testers has slowly given way to boredom and disinterest, as the tester team has been split into two roles. the same few people having the same few takes on bugs/stats individually, and not being able to help eachother out if one another needs assistance is frankly strange to me. if the team is meant to have all of us working together, why are we split? why is it continuously told to us that we're a team despite being actively discouraged to work together? the only times the two teams genuinely interact with one another is in the "general" channel testers have. other than that, the only times we truly work as one is when we rarely get pinged for team-wide bug testing, most of which never needs all of the team online to accomplish.interest in doing certain tasks like offering to with certain tasks, etc. has dwindled to "why should i? ill just get shut down by the lead testers again." it feels like theres rarely a point to have 3+ testers on at a time considering the lead testers are thrown in as an excuse for so many things. i mean no disrespect to the actual people in this role, just disrespect to the cooperation that this role took from the team as a whole. i know it was added for "organization's sake," but i also find that this organization is lacking when we rarely have transparency. oftentimes a situation occurs where we should know things and are asked why we dont know things, then we ask the lead tester why we dont know things, and we're told its only a lead tester thing to know that. or something happens that we should justifiably know about, and its withheld from us because "the lead tester will take care of it." i personally believe this role has effectively put a doorstop in the comfort and communication of the team, going from a team-wide effort to get things done to a rarely-ever-communicated closed conversation with 2-5 people.overall, i feel the role has been drained of any encouragement to keep going. stat testing is a boring cycle of pumping out creatures every week with the same few people. bug testing is a boring cycle of being expected to know how to recreate a bug and not having time to. these have unfortunately all combined with other things like people in power acting like we either dont exist, or know we're replacable, because of how public chats are under the assumption that the tester role is sunshine and rainbows and sigmatox and would do anything to get it. its a gross cycle of testers getting frustratingly tired of their situation, getting told they can be replaced, leaving, and then people acting like nothing happened.
as for the recent demotions, i find it really, really damn amusing how the modding system has screwed up this time. demoting and banning people who werent even involved, and then unbanning them, copy-pasting an apology to those punished saying that "the judgement was clouded, x didnt communicate with y which is why z happened, it was misproperly handled"? its so sad to the point where i find it laughable. this "it wasnt meant to happen like this, information was uncertain, you were left in the dark" card has been pulled SO MANY TIMES and yet nothing has changed. youd think after the first 2 or 3 times theyd try and switch things up to avoid misinfo, leaving info out, etc, right? or at least show those that got punished that something is trying to be improved on? but no, this process has been left to repeat with all the flaws still staying countless times and most likely will if nothing is changing now. killing their reputations and labeling them as harmful people who were risking the safety of community members to their own damn team is downright disrespectful. i do not have any respect for the people who wrote them off as if they were actively trying to harm server members. i hope youre content with yourself that theyve lost friendships over a few jokes made in a personal lives server.
all in all, the tester role has been diminished of any sustainable value it had. its like working at mcdonalds if half worked on fries and the other half worked on designing the fry frier. associated as one, but not comparable. if youre a random person interested in testing reading this, please dont apply unless you enjoy doing the same thing every day under a time crunch. if youre a tester reading this, please form your own opinion about the role and staying on the team. yours is just as valuable as all of us who submitted these testimonies. if you are upset enough with your current conditions, do not hesitate to leave, you will not go unnoticed.


I want to preface this by saying that I hold ZERO Ill will towards CoS as a whole, The tester team, or Cinnakxll. I WAS NOT DEMOTED. The Members of the tester team, the leads, and Cinna have all been fantastic people and friends to me over almost the entirety of my years with CoS, and most of my issues lie with Erythia. If i see any of my words posted and twisted to serve hateful or provocative content diminishing the team, I will personally do my utmost to discredit any usage of MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY for these purposes. Thank you!BIAS TOWARDS CONTENT CREATORSThere have been countless scenarios where the tester team, particularly the stat team, have been directly impacted negatively by Erythia’s personal biases towards content creators. However, due to my personal stupidity in not screenshotting her statements, I do not have any screenshots myself.other testers may be able to vouch for these certain actions. These include:Back in Legacy, Content Creators had access to the Test Realm, a space where testers were able to easily stage test fights of new creatures for statting. This caused untold amounts of issues. Close a creature’s release when all their animations were done, testers would be running fights in test realm, then all of a sudden a CC would show up, attack one of us/get in the way of the fight, and then we would have to rerun it. This access was not taken until the form of the test realm was changed in recode, and it was not changed for this reason. It was expressly stated to us that it would not be taken from them, despite tester protests. This was one of the very first examples of CC bias i experienced as a baby (new) tester.
Various cases of her valuing CC opinions on stats and testing over tester opinions (In a previous testimony, there is a screenshot of her saying this from another tester)
Randomly showing up in tester channels and demanding changes to the stats of certain creatures due to viewing Content Creator videos talking about how some creature’s stats “Don’t Make Sense” (videos in a similar format to a person comparing the pokemon Purugly’s base stats to Latios’s) Despite there being no need to do so balance wise
Forcing the Stat Tester team to restat every flier in the game (Around a third of the roster) With short notice due to Content Creators complaining about flight speeds. Fliers have always been an extremely delicate type of creature to stat, both in legacy and in recode. In Legacy, they were slower, which allowed them to have stats that competed with terrestrial creatures. For the most part, the community was happy with this, although some players ad issues with the flight speeds of higher tier fliers being extremely slow. Their mobility in the air, despite their speed, still made them superior to land creatures, however, this was not usually reflected in their stats as an enforced statting rule. However, around when recode was in its early state and the testers began their restat, Erythia took notice to several content creator videos complaining about the flight speed of these fliers. She then told the stat team (around 15-20 people MAX around that time) That we had to go through and restat them all to be faster, just for the sake of these content creator videos. This took WEEKS, and led to the decision of the -1 Flier rule. This rule essentially states that when statting a flier, in order to compensate for their extreme mobility in comparison to their terrestrial counterparts, would have weaker stats and generally have stats comparable to those a tier below them. For example, a Tier 5 Flier fighting a Tier 4 Terrestrial, etc.
To say that the community's response to this was negative was an understatement. Stat testers were harassed and belittled by members of the playerbase, and continue to be to this day. Even though we had no real power against implementing this change, We took ALL of the fallout.
Another Bias towards CCs is found with moderation’s tendency to more readily unban CCs, however negative their content may be. FrownU2 is a prime example of this. Despite the number of issues they have caused in the community, as well as harassing other members of the community and other CCs, they were unbanned from the game and continue to spread hate. However, I have seen no such preference for any other role being unbanned from game bans as Frown has. In situations where a tester would be instantly demoted with no appeal, CCs are often brushed off, given warnings (both verbal and through bots), and in a best-case scenario, demoted with few other punishments.
HARASSMENTThe amount of harassment and begging I endured as a tester, both in-game and in the discord, due to having Sigmatox, was absolutely unbelievable. I was sent death threats over not trading someone a Sig in game. I was followed, repeatedly begged by players, and killed when I said no. Blocking did nothing, server hopping did nothing, turning joins off did nothing. If I blocked them, they would rejoin on an alt. If I turned my joins off or server hopped, they would use clients which allowed them to join me without my joins on. If the original intention for sigmatox to be untradeable completely was kept, the tester team would not have had to endure harassment from the player base.
While I was a tester, I also noticed that it was almost impossible to talk normally in the discord without someone either A. Joking about getting a free sig, B. Immediately switching the topic of conversation to tester-related things, C. Asking how to get tester/asking if we could “get them in” before public applications were a thing, or D. All of the above. While not an issue with management, it is an issue with the community’s treatment of roled individuals. I would also receive around 20-40 message requests in A WEEK despite stating that I was not trading sig in my bio.
I Was only seen for sig, and I could not trust anyone attempting to befriend me without prior connections during this time because many people only saw me as a way to get sig without paying for it. I am sure that many other testers have experienced players attempting to befriend them with ulterior motives as well. Once again, this is a community issue, which negatively impacted my time as a tester.
If you have issues with harassment by the community, DO NOT BECOME A TESTER. I guarantee you every member of the team has experienced it in some way.
TEAM SPLITWhile I did see a majority of the team as friends, this was mostly because I was a tester BEFORE the split between tester categories. Work was distributed easily, it was never hard to find someone to do test fights with or repro a bug with because there was always at least one person available to help, whether their focus is on stats or bugs. While members of the team still had their focuses (I was a stat tester before the name stat tester was an official title), there was no true split that divided the team. I met people through testing and interacted with every member of the team, and it helped us to work better.
However, The split happened. At first, it had three roles- Bug tester, Recode tester, and Stat tester. I was at first a member of the Legacy stat tester group, and then eventually went to recode stats because of the glaring issue this split had- Cutting our numbers down. It went from a team of 20-30 people who could possibly be available to test, to being no more than 10 per team. Combined with timezones and IRL availability, it made it an absolute nightmare to find people to do test fights with. We could not recruit others from the bug team to do test fights with us, because they were locked out of the channels that we worked within. They could not ask stat testers for help reproducing a bug because we were locked out of the channels that they worked in. Even if we were somehow able to get a stat tester to help, the process was tedious and any sort of battle results from test fights had to pass through an extra set of hands before they went where they needed to be. Far into my time as tester during the split, I barely knew anyone from the stat team enough to call them a friend, whereas early on I knew nearly everyone.
Even though certain testers always had their specialties, they were still able to provide much needed feedback on creature stats- Towards the end of my time as a tester, some weeks there would only be about 5 voices truly working on a creature’s stats- but this was due to another issue as well. Back when there was no team split, you could ask for input from the bug-focused testers who may be able to understand stats in a core form, but may not be as PVP focused as many stat testers were. This was good due to the fact that it provided a different perspective in statmaking- the stance of a normal player. This is not possible anymore.
Due to the trend of two creature weekly releases, the team got even more split, with the stat team often splitting 50/50, each group tackling one creature weekly. This knocked down our numbers even further. This would not be an issue, once again, if we were able to ask stat testers. While it is getting better due to the current trend of one release and one redesign per week, there is no saying when two weekly creature releases will return. Most likely, it will return if management sees a decrease in user retention.
CHANGES I WOULD LIKE TO SEEThe split between stat and bug testers is removed in any meaningful capacity. This will smoothen the weekly creature releases by allowing more “hands on deck” for test fights, as well as having more available to test bugs.
More accountability when it comes to how Content Creators are treated. Equal treatment for all roled individuals. Content creators should be held to the same standard as testers, moderators, translators, and contributors.
Please, PLEASE listen to suggestions made by testers. This can be minor things like ability additions, to major things like event functions. There have been numerous times where testers have raised a red flag about certain event mechanics, and been brushed off, only for those same mechanics to cause issues within the community. 99% of testers are veteran players and well versed in the workings of the game! Please listen to us!
Major changes within stats (major reworks requested by management, I.E. Flier Rework) Should be expressly stated BY THE MANAGEMENT THAT REQUESTED THEM that they were by manager request and not by the tester’s personal choice.

Final Words & What Can Be Changed:

We expect for Sonar to respond similarly as they once did with the Recognized Creator document: saying that this is just some petty revenge for being demoted, or outright denying everything with little proof to back it up. We expect for them to say that the role of moderator and tester is a volunteer position. That they were welcome to leave at any time, and it’s not as if they’re being employed with a salary. However, they should not have been made to endure these conditions in the first place.
The testimonies and screenshots provided should be telling enough, and I’d like to take a moment to mention that this is only scratching the surface of what has happened behind the scenes. We’ve had to scrap more than a few instances that we wanted to bring up due to insufficient evidence - yet we are still left with this much.
For Sonar’s HR: volunteers are not just cogs in the system, they are people who have outside lives, opinions, and great ideas to share. Give your volunteers a voice and listen to them; we guarantee that you won’t regret it. Ask for feedback, genuinely consider their concerns, and implement changes. The moderator and tester teams need a desperate revamp. A good start is to look into the higher ups who have consistently abused their position and the people who work under them.
Multiple volunteers have admitted to be afraid of their own higher ups.
And for the playbase, please take care of yourselves. Ever since the Keys Event, there’s been an alarming spike in people who’ve admitted to harming themselves because of this game. Whether it be spending sleepless nights grinding for an event that relies heavily on luck, or being unable to complete an event mission because of a widely reported bug that went unfixed for an entire week.You are a human being first and foremost, not just another player. Don’t sacrifice your health for this game, because you are worth so much more.